



或打电话 1-800-621-2105




机械故障保护(MBP), 也被称为延长保修, is automobile protection that extends beyond the manufacturer's factory warranty and covers repairs of unexpected mechanical breakdowns. 在合同有效期内, you are assured that covered components of your vehicle will be repaired in the event of failure, 包括劳动, 以任何适用的免赔额为准.


  • 承保汽车零部件的维修费用
  • 可用于购买新车和二手车吗
  • Includes 24-hour emergency towing and roadside assistance and rental car reimbursement assistance
  • 在全国范围内保护您的车辆
  • Is transferable if you sell your vehicle before your MBP expires


  • You have a car with higher 里程 that needs extra protection
  • You want to reduce the possibility of out-of-pocket expenses when your vehicle suffers an unexpected mechanical or electrical failure
  • You want peace of mind that your investment in your vehicle is protected


一旦你的车的工厂保修到期, it is no longer covered if it experiences an unexpected mechanical breakdown. 机械故障保护, 也被称为延长保修, can replace that protection.

元素 offers three 机械故障保护(MBP) options. Your vehicle’s year and 里程 will determine which MBP coverage you qualify for. 给我们打电话 1-800-621-2105,下一页 要查看选项.

While every 机械故障保护 option offered by 元素 is slightly different, 在一般情况下, 它涵盖了主要车辆系统的故障, 包括你的:

  • 引擎
  • 动力传动系统
  • 传输
  • 刹车
  • 排气
  • 电力系统

The average vehicle contains over 15,000 parts — too many to list! So give us a call for more detailed information on what’s covered.



Extended auto warranties like 机械故障保护 are a way to pay for expensive mechanical repairs, 但它们并不能涵盖所有内容. MBP does not cover routine car-maintenance expenses — such as oil changes and tire rotations — or damage caused by either poor maintenance or accidents.


  • 新过滤器
  • 新发扬
  • 新刹车片
  • 新轮胎
  • 添加液体(冷却液、机油、雨刷液等).)
  • 其他被归类为正常维修的重大维修

Is there a difference between 机械故障保护 and an extended warranty from a dealership?

They are actually different names that mean the same thing, so you can use the terms interchangeably. 有, 然而, usually significant differences in the value of the warranty offered by 元素 and warranties offered by dealerships. 请参阅下一个问题了解更多细节.



是也不是. 经销商确实提供延长保修期, but there are usually significant differences in the value of the warranty offered by 元素 and warranties offered by dealerships. 通常, 元素’ 机械故障保护 is less expensive, 提供更好的覆盖范围, 更灵活, 而且免赔额为0美元.




The cost for 机械故障保护(MBP) varies based on your vehicle year, 使, 模型, 里程, 还有其他因素. We’ll need to know these things before we can provide you a quote. Our deductible is always $0, though, so that’s something you can know for sure! 

Like other types of coverage, whether or not MBP is worth it is completely up to your situation. 要获得快速定制报价,请致电我们 1-800-621-2105,下一页.




Did you know that one in three vehicles experiences a mechanical failure in a given year? The typical extended warranty owner will 使 several claims during the life of a contract. 没有延长保修期, if your vehicle experiences a failure after the manufacturer's warranty expires, you will have no protection from the unexpected repair costs that can be in the thousands of dollars.

Vehicles today are growing extremely complex and contain high-tech sensors, 电子产品, and computers that suffer unexpected failure and need to be replaced. While engines and transmissions are more reliable than ever, it's these other sophisticated parts that frequently fail. As vehicles become increasingly more complex, associated repair costs rise dramatically. 

MBP can provide protection against costly repairs and give you peace of mind.

Does 元素 offer additional auto loan or asset protection coverage?

是的. 作为你财务健康的提供者, 我们想确保你有保险, 不管发生什么事. 保护你的购买, the following additional programs are available and can be wrapped into your monthly payments:

  • 资产保障 (GAP) is protection designed to eliminate your unpaid net loan or lease balance in the event your vehicle is stolen or damaged beyond repair. 了解更多.
  • 债的保全 protects your credit rating during uncertain and stressful times. Your loan payment will be cancelled or suspended for a period of time without penalty, 添加兴趣, or being reported as delinquent to the credit bureau when a covered event occurs. Covered events include death, disability, involuntary unemployment, family leave and hospitalization. 了解更多.



  1. 请拨打1-800-621-2105,分机1 开始吧. 已经准备好了: 您车辆的VIN或年份、品牌和型号, 你的车辆目前的行驶里程,information on the loan you used to purchase the vehicle, if applicable
  2. 接我们的电话 We'll contact you within one business day after you submit your application to go over what documentation we'll need and to answer your questions. 
  3. 就是这样! - We'll contact you with a decision within two business days. 一旦你的申请被批准, we’ll contact you to sign documents and then you are protected with MBP!